"I’ll be honest with you, I have wrestled with this decision for a long time..."
Dear Givers,
It's Shea here. I wanted to personally let you know about an important change to be made soon.
Starting January 1, 2022, Brightbox will be charging for shipping.
I’ll be honest with you, I have wrestled with this decision for a long time.
Affordable thoughtfulness has been the foundation I built this company on and free shipping has been part of that. But due to factors out of my control like USPS price raises, inflation, and supply chain delays, it’s necessary for us to make this change to continue to to sustain and grow a healthy business with a mission to brighten one million days.
But I need you to know growth is not the only factor here. It’s important to me to be able to give my employee benefits, paid time off, bonuses etc. I do not take employee appreciation lightly, especially because employee appreciation is part of our brand and messaging. How can I ask other companies to value their employees if we are not doing the same right here in our own house? And not to mention - we believe happy employees make happy boxes!
I ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate this new change.
We’ve been working really hard on a solution that will benefit everyone so stay tuned for some exciting things!
Shea Workman, Founder and CEO